🥳The New Year is here Tomorrow…🥳

Do you have your 2020 goals figured out???🏋️🚵💪🦵🏃

To be honest, I used to joke about making my New Years Resolutions…🤷‍♂️

I was setting myself up for failure…🤦🏻‍♂️

I knew I would mess up, I always did…🤫

How about you???🤔

Do you have big goals for 2020???😥

How about last years goals???🤔

Whatever the goal(s) was did you succeed???😬

Do you have more money💵, time 🕐 or happiness😀???

Did you make it more than a month or


If you didn’t, that’s both OK and normal, for most of us…👌

We start out with great ambitions, but with no real clear path to success…🤞

We jump out there and crush our new thing for a few weeks then ultimately, lose momentum, then give up…🥵

👉To be successful with any new goals, New Year or not; you need a “MAP”… 

Mentor – someone who has been there, done that and can help you with road blocks…

Accountability – one or many others helping hold you to what you said you wanted…

Plan – written, simple, clearly defined course of action to follow…

👉If you need assistance with any of the above, I am here to help…

🖐“I have been there and I have done that…”

The reason most of fail at this is we lack real accountability…🗣🧒

We don’t have someone to hold our feet to the fire 🔥and bring it to our attention when we begin to slip…

Another issue is we are often scared to find a mentor… ask for help… or a least this was my story…🙋

I thought, I’ve got this… and year after year I would fail…🙇

It wasn’t until I swallowed my pride and ask for help from someone who had made the journey before me…📈

Now having gone through the process, I can help you do the same…📈

If you want to succeed in 2020…. email me at jeremy@jeremysmarketing.com and we will start a conversation…💬

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