Near the end of his career, Max had been a successful manager for over thirty years..
His company’s success was due to its exceptional technical support and customer service departments that were led by him.
When he retires having made millions from and for the company, he knew it would be difficult to find someone who could replace him.
When interviewing new candidates for his position, he found many young managers who lacked experience, but they were also very talented people who brought fresh ideas to the table.
He needed someone with both, that could help grow a legacy, built on decades of success and innovation into something even better than before.
He realized too late, that if he had planned properly, his company wouldn’t be on the brink of failure, after working so hard to grow the business.
Don’t be like Max, begin to develop your plan and team now, one that protects you and your business from falling apart, if “you” or any other key player leaves…
Unless you are okay watching legacy expire before you do..?