Yes “You” have greatness within you…
This issue is none of us ever search within to find and nurture this greatness.
Think about an apple seed, within an apple seed is an apple tree that will grow more apples…Right!
Problem is we can’t see the apple tree in the seed…
We only see a seed…
You give that little seed a little soil, water and care it can grow into a tree that will continue to produce more and more.
Unfortunately, for the apple seed it usually finds it’s way to the trash and never grows any more..
If you think about it we do this to ourselves…..we don’t even bother trying to grow…
We basically trow our lives away…
You want to be the Apple seed that turns into a tree?
You want to be an action taker..?
Spend time with a book, a podcast, watch videos of people who inspire you…
Quit sitting around mindlessly watching TV or scrolling social media…
I’m not telling you to only read and study…
You have to be able to chat about TWD or whatever your show is from time to time…
I’m saying absorb some good content, learn something new, then have some fun, relax and enjoy your greatness…
Pro Tip: At only 10 pages a day, you will have read 12-15 books a year…
Want to “hack” to really start enjoying some of that greatness, share it…
If you learn something cool from a book, video, podcast, a mentor, a friend… teach it to others…
When you start growing your apples be sure to give some away, why put in all that effort????
Just to let it spoil…