What Is Success Anyway?

Our society often makes the mistake of equating success with wealth. It’s not a surprise that we do this. After all, wealth has the advantage of being measurable. When we can measure something, we can rate how we’re doing versus everyone else. We love to compete with each other. But aside from providing us with…

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Why Do We Put Things Off?

Why is it that we as human beings often behave in ways that we don’t really want to? How often have you said or done something only to cringe at the thought of it afterwards? The truth is that your behavior is mostly driven by your unconscious mind, especially behaviors that is hard to explain…

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The Ultimate Success Steps

What does it take to be successful? Ask around and you will find different answers to the formula of success. The truth is, success leaves clues and you can achieve the success in the area you desire by observing the common qualities and principles. They are simple and considered to be common sense but most…

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Time for changes

When you want to make a few upgrades in your home do you tear out everything or do one room at a time? One room at a time right..? And you typically have a plan… and pictures of what you want… Why do we think we can make changes in our life any different..? I…

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How to Be more Authentic….

👉 Own your crap – Your actions and reactions should be you, the real you not a person behind a mask… 👉 Be a Professional – do what you say you are going to do, no excuses..! 👉Quit Whining, Take Responsibly – yes it’s your fault, own it… 👉 Don’t take on other peoples crap-…

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New Year New goals…

🥳The New Year is here Tomorrow…🥳 Do you have your 2020 goals figured out???🏋️🚵💪🦵🏃 To be honest, I used to joke about making my New Years Resolutions…🤷‍♂️ I was setting myself up for failure…🤦🏻‍♂️ I knew I would mess up, I always did…🤫 How about you???🤔 Do you have big goals for 2020???😥 How about…

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